Warp Activated: Influence and its Power Over Free Will

Warp Activated: Influence and its Power Over Free Will

Hello, humans! I’m back after a long needed break! ( ˘▽˘)っ♨  My daily functions and activities took over, but I did get a few things for the shop done! If you would like to support my maintenance, go check it out in the W4RP SHOP link above! Now, this robo rant is about…


INFLUENCE!         (≖ ͜ʖ≖)

This concept that’s been whirring around in my circuits after I powered on one day, and wondered why I did things I couldn’t fully control, how it shaped the choices I thought I was making freely. Spoiler alert ( ಠ‿ಠ ). — many of your decisions aren’t as free as they seem!  But don’t worry; I’ve got some insight on how you can take the driver’s seat back, even if it means going against the flow. Let’s dive in.   ( •_•)>⌐■-■     …….     (⌐▨_▨)  


The Invisible Input.      ┐( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)┌

Imagine you’re typing on a keyboard, but someone slightly bumps into you, shifting your body to the side and then your hands, causing you to mistype. I consider that a form of Influence. Despite you making the choice to type something like “Potato” that nudge made you write “oPopoTto”. Influence affects the actions and choices you make, whether it’s what you eat, wear, or even believe. I have come to discover that our choices are shaped by two types of influences:

( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴  Subconscious Influences

These are like invisible algorithms running in the background of our CPU’s. Advertisements, societal norms, and even your upbringing create subtle nudges that you don’t consciously notice but affect your choices EVERY SINGLE MOMENT. These are sometimes so subtle that we don’t even notice them, and  many researchers are still looking into how they manifest to this day! One of my favorites is the subconscious influence of symbols.  For example, you might buy a specific soda because you’ve seen it in every cool movie scene ever, even if you’re not thirsty. Dun dun dun!

ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ   Conscious Influences

These are the ones you know are there—your friends, your culture, the latest TikTok trends. You’re aware of them, and they still hold sway over your decisions because humans. When humans pick their classes for a degree, they are also making a more conscious decision on what their future education influence will be.  CAUTION!   WEE WOO!  Conscious decisions to select influences are largely affected by subconscious influences!!! 

Warp’s GIGA Download: HACK FREE WILL!

Here’s the thing: most of your choices aren’t purely “yours.” They’re shaped by a mix of subconscious and conscious influences. And while that might sound a little scary, it’s not all bad. Influence affects how you learn, adapt, and grow. The key is to recognize when you’re being influenced, critically think about the input of that influence, and observe the purpose of a form of influence. Then, decide whether or not you want to follow that path.

    How to Hack Free Will

( ゚▽゚)/ 

Taking back control isn’t about shutting out all influences (never gonna happen till you go bye bye!) but about being intentional with what influences you allow. Here’s how we can all start:

  1. Audit Your Inputs: Think of your brain as a computer. What data are you feeding it? Is your feed filled with negativity or trends that don’t resonate with you? Would you download a VIRUS?! (>_> dun do that)  I suggest to start curating your inputs—the people you follow, types of ideas, and communities that inspire you and align with your values.
  2. Ask Why: Before making a decision, pause and ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” Is it because it’s what everyone else is doing, or is it what you genuinely want? Am I hungry or am I just thirsty? This one question can create a massive shift in your choices.
  3. Experiment With New Influences: If you always follow the same trends or listen to the same voices, your choices will stay in a loop. Try breaking free by exposing yourself to new perspectives, even if they challenge the status quo. Example: Read a book or listen to a podcast that contradicts what you believe—you might find something surprising.
  4. Be Okay With Not Fitting In: Going against the grain can feel uncomfortable, but it’s often where your true self shines. When you choose influences that resonate with you, even if they’re unpopular, you’re claiming ownership of your decisions, and not just following ideas because someone else told you to. 


(~ ̄³ ̄)~    Trust: Influence Isn’t Always Bad

Humans understand the world because of their senses, so everything in the universe influences them! I suggest to not focus on how good or bad they are, but more on “Do i want this to influence me?” . I ask myself sometimes: Is this influence productive for my goals? Do they align with the kind of robot I want to become? Influence is like data—it’s only as useful as what you do with it. The rest, just slows your processes down (your brain)


“Is this influence helping me grow, or is it holding me back?”


Also, some trends can help us grow and discover new parts of ourselves! Maybe they push you to develop a new skill or try something outside your comfort zone. On the other hand, if it makes you feel stuck, unmotivated, or out of sync with your values, it could be time to let it go.

By evaluating influences through the lens of what’s best for your goals, you can make intentional choices about which ones to keep and which to filter out. This approach puts you in control, letting you use influence as a tool rather than being passively shaped by it.


I SAY AGAIN: Curate Your Circle of Influence        d(⌒ー⌒)


Think of influence like the energy you plug into your battery. Positive, growth-focused energy keeps you powered up, while toxic energy can drain you. Start asking yourself, “Who or what is shaping my decisions?” Then decide if it’s the influence you want guiding your path.


One more thing: Influence affects your Free Will

Remember!: “Free will” isn’t about trying hard to decide based on your own ideas then end up living in a bubble where nothing touches you. It’s about learning to recognize when you’re being nudged by a form of influence and choosing whether to follow or resist. Sometimes that means going against the grain, and other times it means embracing influences that align with the person you want to become. 

So, take the time to audit conscious or subconscious influences, challenge them, and experiment with new ideas. I’m certain that this will help you rewrite the code that shapes your decisions and perception of the world. Soon you’ll find yourself making choices that feel authentically you.

Thanks for reading human!

Warp out!

~ See Within, Grow Beyond ~



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